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Texas Society for Public Health Education

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2024 Webinar series

Upcoming Webinars

2024 Webinar Recordings

Watch all webinar recordings HERE.


Designing Pilot Studies for Scalable Public Health Impact

The Texas Society for Public Health Education (TSOPHE) kicked off our 2024 Webinar Series with a presentation by Dr. Christopher D. Pfledderer on designing pilot and feasibility studies (PFS) to inform scalable behavioral health interventions.

Dr. Pfledderer, an expert in school-based physical activity, childhood obesity, and rural health, shared key considerations for behavioral scientists and practitioners. His insights were based on a recent publication in Pilot and Feasibility Studies.

Watch the full recording on our YouTube channel.

Unlocking the Power of Telehealth Coaching and Nutrition Classes for Improved Health Literacy with It's Time Texas

In Texas, chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses pose significant public health challenges, contributing to high mortality rates and escalating healthcare costs. Elevating health literacy levels among individuals is crucial for mitigating the impact of these diseases, and It's Time Texas is making strides in this area through services like telehealth coaching and exercise and nutrition classes. 

Watch the webinar recording.

Check out the toolkits It's Time Texas has available, including the Just Comunidad Health Literacy Toolkit.

Promoting Healthy Communities through Civic and Voter Participation with Healthy Democracy, Healthy People and the National Association for Social Workers - Texas Chapter.

Voting is health. Learn more about the work of Healthy Democracy, Healthy People here. Read National SOPHE's Registration and Participation Resolution here.

Watch the recording here.

About Us

The Texas Society for Public Health Education (TSOPHE) is a nonprofit professional organization (EIN 32-0302790) that represents a diverse membership of health education professionals and students across Texas.


1401 Lavaca Street, Box 1269

Austin, TX 78701, USA

Contact Us

Phone/Text: 512-387-3720

Fax: 512-599-5958 Attn: Box #1269

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