Evi Ruzsicska is a rising star in the world of public health education. Originally from Australia, Evi now serves on the executive board of the Texas Society of Public Health Education (TSOPHE), where she holds the role of secretary. In this fun Q&A, Evi shares what inspired her to get involved with TSOPHE, the parts of her role that she finds most rewarding, and her bold ideas for elevating public health education throughout the Lone Star State.
Q: What inspired you to get involved with the Texas Society of Public Health Education?
I was lucky enough to attend the TSOPHE conference in Austin last year, and all of the beautiful minds coming together in the same space made me excited about getting more involved in this space!
Q: What's your favorite part of your role as secretary so far?
Connecting with the rest of the team! We’re really lucky to have such an eclectic, passionate bunch of professionals from different backgrounds serving this year. Getting into the same room or Zoom call and smoosh our brains together is really special.
Q: If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about public health education in Texas, what would it be?
Ooft! I’ll be honest, I’m an Aussie and still relatively new to Texas, so I’m still learning a lot about the development, delivery, and distribution of public health education here, but a couple of things come to mind immediately!
One, I’d love to see MORE!
Two, I would love to see MORE programs that help improve people's health literacy. I see a lot of poor health literacy in the clinic and on the front line, so creating avenues to get people involved and excited about their health would be brilliant!
Q: What's the most interesting podcast, book or article you've learned from lately related to public health?
I really have been enjoying This Podcast Will Kill You. It’s hosted by a couple of epidemiologists/ disease ecologists, and they’re just SO COOL.
Q: If you had to describe the Texas Society of Public Health Education in just a few words, what would you say?
A rocking team with a rocking dreeeeaaaam!!!